When you have a broken faucet, do you buy buckets or fix the faucet? Project Pets-Spay, Neuter, Love is about fixing the faucet.
Most pet owners think of them as family members and care for them accordingly. They would be sickened if they knew what happens to most pets surrendered to shelters for whatever reason. We try to avoid “ugly” stories or pictures here because this is a place where everyone can learn. We want you to read and share what you learn here and on other Spay & Neuter web sites. Awareness is crucial to solving this problem.
It is critically important that more people know the truth so they can add their voices and help in ending this terrible waste of life. Our tax dollars sponsor needless slaughter in county animal shelters. We can do vastly more to help homeless animals survive just by making this a political issue. There are many options for helping these animals and many people willing to do the work. One thing we know we can do is neuter as many animals as possible! That will slow the flow of cats and dogs into shelters. Every animal we neuter means less animals needing homes in the future.