Project Pets
How Can I Help?

How Can I Help?

10 ways to save a life  adopt donate

There are many ways not on this list. You will find something to do if you want to help. It takes a village.


Nursing MOM 9 pups    in shelter                                                                                                                                   


Donations are crucial, we need those contributions to fund our operations. Yet not everyone can always afford to donate money so there are many other ways you can help. We’re not all suited to actually handling animals and there are millions of people now working in rescue and the various aspects of rescue. They liberate pets from shelters, foster rescued animals, transport them and “vet” them,  including  spay and neuter procedures.  I have never met anyone who supported a cause and couldn’t find some way to help.  Here are a few suggestions.  We  know you can think of other and more creative ways to become part of the solution.

FBAR Make a difference notebook paperdog nursing kittens (2)


Join ourComforts For Critters Facebook page.

Learn how to get free blankets and towels for your local shelter’s inmates.  Local shelter and rescue organizations always need cleaning supplies and unopened bags and cans of pet food. You can help organize a food drive for your favorite shelter or rescue group.  Or you can offer to walk dogs at the shelter once or twice a week since many of these pets don’t get out of their kennels for days at a time.  There are awesome rescue groups doing amazing work in preparing animals for homes and helping them become more adoptable.  Volunteers stay in contact with the adopting family and help them with training and behavior issues, for both the pets and their owners.  They help prevent the return of pets with minor problems to shelters, usually because the adopters did not know how to train them.


cat population chart   one cat has 4 kittens and they each have 4 more                                          spayed cats in clinic  Sonoma


DONATE :   Be a part of the solution . 

Neutering pets is one of the fastest ways we can start reducing the homeless pet over population.  educating people about why they need to do it and assisting them in finding a low/no cost  procedure is one part of the solution. We are stropping the leaky faucet , not buying buckets.

You may  be a One time donor and know your tax deductible donations are an immediate help to our efforts.

All info is on our donation page

Be An “ANGEL “

   Sign up for monthly donations you wish to make to help care for these animals the best we can.  A small regualr donation is a huge help to us so we can plan ahead .  Our only limits are how much money do we have now ?  There are too many animals in need.  Regular donations are a terrific way to participate and be a part of the solution.

Our angles will get an email from time to time updating them and showing  photo’s of some of the lives they helped change.   Our “Victories” section on the home page will also change .


Be politically active!

 The  animal laws are made by the States, with County and Local Government workers enforcing those laws.  Shelters are designed to “Contain and Kill” the homeless population. We want to see Community Adoption Centers replacing these shelters in the near future.   ( )

get political for the animals Jazz

To find her State Senator in North Carolina , Jazz used :

Your state has the same type of web site for your ststae legislators and Senators.  Your County Commissioners make the decisions about your shelters and they are elected.   Just Google ” Your State government to find out who you write.

Animals are” property” under state law and have the same rights as a used bookThese laws are made locally at the county and state level.  Get to know your state’s legislators and support those who support animal rights and welfare.Your local county and state lawmakers need to hear from you often so tell them, every chance you get whether by phone, letter, e-mail, tweet or any other media you choose,  that animal welfare will be an issue at election time.  Have your friends call and write to their legislators and County Commissioners. Voter outrage will get their attention!    

Julie Lewin write a good book called “Getting Political for the Animals “. We recommend it highly.     


 Be their voice! 

FBAR White cat with lab 2012          Speak out for animals whenever you can. 


Shelters Tell people that we sufferMost people do not know how terrible the homeless pets problem is right now.  Shelters are designed, historically, to “contain and kill” homeless pets. The “advances” in sheltering over the past 60 years leave a lot to be desired.  Little is being done to end the routine slaughter of unwanted pets.  The best the shelter industry can do for now is try to save 85% of shelter animals without changing the basics of the prison system we have now.  This  No Kill policy is failing in many cases because they lack the imagination and determination to make these Adoption Centers. That’s just not good enough! We have to find ways to save them all and the best way to achieve that goal is through the promotion of spay and neuter procedures!  We need a lot more voices to speak up for animals who have no voice all.


Awareness is crucial!  

baby with cat in swing  - CUTE








Share what you know with those who don’t know yet.  Lots of people remain ignorant about the benefits of spaying and neutering their pets.   You’d be surprised at how many folks don’t know that neuter prevents some cancers.   So, bring it up in everyday conversations.  Ask if that puppy or kitten has been “fixed” to prevent pet over population.  Let your friends and family know what you know, that the best solution to the problem of  homeless pets is to reduce their population through widespread and effective spay and neuter procedures. 


Shelter Reform is just polishing a rotten apple. 

Things have to change. We need a totally new model.  We promote the Shelter Revolution in a different part of this web site.



Thanks to Loving Pet Inn Adoption  and Bob Barker                             # simple Steps to help animals                      Thanks to Loving Pet Inn Adoption and Bob Barker